Contented peace

“…Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”

The theme of my life has been trust so it seems. Will I trust is God or in myself? When I trust in myself I find that I fail miserably and fall into discouragement and anxiety. When I trust in God I find my soul at peace, I find that God is a God who loves to lavish gifts on me even before I ask for them, I also find that he knows what is right and good for me and he knows what is not. He knows when the right time is, he knows when the wrong time is. So I choose to trust in God.

Over the past few weeks, after a struggle in my heart, I gave up my feelings to God, I trust that he will show me where to go. Over the past few weeks the fact that I wasn’t going to go to school was given up to God, this is something I have prayed about thought about and talked about with people who I trust and value. But many other people judge. However, I have been able to be at peace about these things. Still praying, still hoping, still looking for something, but knowing the whole time that God holds me in his hand and will be faithful to show me what is right for me.

He is showing me things. New things. Everyday. I find myself crying over how good he has been to me. I am learning to wait patiently. My heart is joyful and content. He knows my needs, he is faithful and good. My soul shall not faint.

Isaiah 40:31 
But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

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